Luis is a biologist from the Universidad de Tolima with 19 years of experience in the observation of birds and scientific investigation of species at risk of extinction. Together with his wife, Andrea, he is the co-owner and founder of MANAKIN NATURE TOURS. For 12 years, Luis has worked intensively in the area of birdwatching tourism for foreigners as a co-leader and local guide for ornithology tours for the most recognized companies in the world. He has worked as a guide with famous leaders such as Steven Hilty (author of the book “Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia – 1986), Barry Walker, Nick Athanas, Richard Webster and Frank Lambert, from whom he has received experiences and skills. Additionally, he won an “observer’s prize” from the BP Conservation Program when working as director of an important project with the enigmatic Blue-billed Curassow in 2004. He is an expert in the logistics of birding tours in Colombia and is able to organise, direct and carry out birding tours in any of the destinations or routes operated by MANAKIN NATURE TOURS.